The Value of One Member

by Rev. Joe Hoover

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The Value of One Member

Ten little members standing in a line.
One disliked the minister, then there were nine.

Nine ambitious members offered to work late.
One forgot her promise, then there were eight.

Eight creative members had ideas good as heaven.
One lost enthusiasm, then there were seven.

Seven loyal members got into a fix.
They quarreled over projects, then there were six.

Six members remained with spirit and drive.
One moved away, then there were five.

Five steadfast members wished there were more.
One became indifferent, then there were four.

Four cheerful members who never disagree,
Til one complained of meetings, then there were three.

Three eager members! What did they do?
One got discouraged, then there were two.

Two lonely members, our rhyme is nearly done.
One joined a sports team, then there was only one.

One faithful member was feeling rather blue,
met with a neighbor, and then there were two.

Two earnest members each enrolled one more,
doubling their number, then there were four.

Four determined members, just couldn't wait,
Til each one won another, then there were eight.

Eight excited members signed up eight more.
In another six verses, there'll be a thousand twenty-four.

Covenant Congregational Church, Waltham, Maine

These words from another church, facing a different world than ours, have produced a view that we should not lose -- the value of one member.

Most churches have lost members over the last ten years. Some by death, some by moving, others have transferred, and some may just have dropped away. It is time we stopped waiting for them to come to us. We need to go to them. The shepherd leaves the ninety and nine and searches for the lost sheep. We can't find new members flocking into our churches. If they were there they would not be lost. Take the value of one person brought to the Lord. If each one in the church would find just one, the churches would double in size. God's Kingdom would be multiplied.

That one new person may be the one whom God has chosen to lead a new revival or build a church or go to the mission field. The value of one is tremendous. Let's get to work.

In His Service,
Rev. Joe Hoover

First printed in The American Night Watch Newsletter, Volume V, Part 10, October 1997.

Copyright 1999 Joe Hoover. All Rights Reserved.

The American Night Watch is a trademark of the Christian ministry of Sterling M. Durgy.

Permission is granted to reprint this article as long as the copyright is included, this statement is included, and the article is not sold to the recipients.

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This page was last updated October 22, 1999.